The harsh reality is becoming harder each day for an artist to make a living in the music industry. Tours have been shortened, gigs cancelled, fees decreased and transportation is more and more expensive. At the same time, venues have less subsidies while fielding more offers from artists.
Jammin’colorS proposes a solution to this dilemma with its "Music In The Cities" program starting JANUARY 2027.
It would be a circuit going from city to city where the artist/band can perform a series of concerts for a mutually agreed upon fee. We would like to include journalists in every city and promote these tours as best as we can to bring a larger audience to these events.
The advantages of this program are many:
• The band can play together for more than a few gigs and therefore strengthen the bandstand chemistry as well as the music itself.
• The transportation will cost less due to shorter distances between venues.
• There would be more concerts in a country and the promotion will be bigger.
• The promoter books a band that is part of a tour and benefits automatically of the bigger promotion from the "Music In the Cities" program.
What will make this project possible?
• The first step: make inquiries to the festivals, venues and clubs to see who would be interested in joining this new program.
• The second step: find bands of quality that would like to participate in this circuit.
• The third step: find journalists in each city that want to promote the event.
• The final step: present the bands to the promoters in January 2026 and then build a tour with those who are interested.
If you are interested in "Music in the Cities" or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at jammincolors@gmail.com or fill out the form.

The harsh reality is becoming harder each day for an artist to make a living in the music industry. Tours have been shortened, gigs cancelled, fees decreased and transportation is more and more expensive. At the same time, venues have less subsidies while fielding more offers from artists.
Jammin’colorS proposes a solution to this dilemma with its "Music In The Cities" program starting JANUARY 2027.
It would be a circuit going from city to city where the artist/band can perform a series of concerts for a mutually agreed upon fee. We would like to include journalists in every city and promote these tours as best as we can to bring a larger audience to these events.
The advantages of this program are many:
• The band can play together for more than a few gigs and therefore strengthen the bandstand chemistry as well as the music itself.
• The transportation will cost less due to shorter distances between venues.
• There would be more concerts in a country and the promotion will be bigger.
• The promoter books a band that is part of a tour and benefits automatically of the bigger promotion from the "Music In the Cities" program.
What will make this project possible?
• The first step: make inquiries to the festivals, venues and clubs to see who would be interested in joining this new program.
• The second step: find bands of quality that would like to participate in this circuit.
• The third step: find journalists in each city that want to promote the event.
• The final step: present the bands to the promoters in January 2026 and then build a tour with those who are interested.
If you are interested in "Music in the Cities" or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at jammincolors@gmail.com or fill out the form.